New Legislation of Constitutional Review of the Referendum Results in the Slovak Republic


Proceeding on a complaint against the result of a referendum is one of the proceedings, which exclusively only the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic, as the body for the protection constitutionality ultima ratio. This proceeding, according to the article 129 of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic, is one of the forms of decision making of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic related to the application of democratic forms of government. The paper deals with the analysis of the new legal regulation on the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic with the focus on the regulation of proceedings concerning the complaint against the referendum result, by which the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic is performing a consecutive control of the constitutionality of the referendum result.

Referendum; Constitutional Protection; the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic.

Author biography

Jana Volochová

Department of Public Law Disciplines, Faculty of Public Administration, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice

Ph.D. student

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