Rules of Conduct of the Public Defender of Rights and the Criteria Applicable to Their Discretion


The paper deals with the issue of whether the conduct of the Public Defender of Rights, an institution largely without a prescribed set of rules of conduct, is regulated by other rules and criteria other than the Acts. It focuses on the issue of how the rules can affect the Defender’s discretion. The first part of the paper thus describes which types of the Defender’s activities can be seen as discretionary. The main part of the paper then focuses on analysis which rules can be applied to the Defender’s conduct and their discretion. Then the paper deals with the issue which types of Defender’s activities should be governed by the presented rules. The final part focuses on the possibilities of the review of the Defender’s compliance with the rules.

Public Defender of Rights; Discretion; Rules of Conduct; Principles.

Author biography

Anna Chamráthová

Department of Administrative Studies and Administrative Law, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno

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