On the Municipal Police
By the act of CNR No. 553/1991 Sb. from December 6, 1991 (On the Municipal Police) a local law enforcement agency came in to legal existence again, the establishment thereof being an optional right of the several municipalities. Municipal police used to be and currently is established predominantly in the cities. Other municipalities use the services of the Czech Republic Police units (in many cases referred to as "state police"), if not trying to solve local security problems through hiring commercial security agencies. This course of action is confronted by tbe distrust of residents not reversed even by the specially provided expert's reports of the Ministry of Interior.
Personal division between the municipal police and the Czech Republic Police rests in different servicemen designations, namely patrolman x policeman, the former being hired by the municipality and the latter in service of the state.
Laws currently in force make both institutions strongly resemble each otber, especially as for the scope of the rights both patrolmen and policemen may use while exercising powers held commonly or those vested in either one exclusively. Their responsibility and protection belongs to the general institution of the public official the Criminal Code provides for.
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