The social control and the law - some starting-points and problems


The basic purpose of this article is to bring in ono of the main issues of sociology of the law, the issue of social control. The author deals with the most important conceptions of the social control which consider the law to be an important factor of social order (Ross, Pound). An exemple of the radical theories (Cohen) and that of control of the society members in totalitarian states (Orwell) shows the possibility of misuse of social control and the doubts about it's raison d'etre. To the oldiest remedies of osocial control belongs the economic compulsion which has a general validity, as it seems (Singapore). A modern society is charactcrízed by disintegration of the consistent cultural and normative system and by increasing number of partial normative orders. This is also contained in it's designation as a society in anomy, and from the view-point of assertion of the people in the society, a two-third society. The author analyses the term anomy and deviation with specification of positive deviation which is frequently a dynamic factor of social development. The end of thw article deal with the law as a normative system. In a modern society the law is the most important normative system and it represents a level on which the society can be integrated. It is the law that can establish reliable mechanism of social control not only of it's members but also of the society by it's members who shouldn't to the false illusion that "they will arrange it in some way".





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