Obtaining Ownership of Intangible Assets within the Framework of the Large Scale Privatization


The changes in ownership relations connected with the privatization of state property are extraordinarily wide, being at the same time a historically remarkable construction. In respect of their importance a precise legal regulation of such processes is absolutely necessary. Over a relatively short period several substantial alterations in the large scale privatization occurred, entailing even some debatable issues. The source of the problem is the comparison of the effects of the several changes taking into account the inexistence of the desirable transition provisions.

The paper is concentrated in particular on two groups of issues. The first of them stems from the establishment of the land register, entailing the principle of the constitutive character of the entries into the register (the so called intabulation). The second group deals with the changes connected with the exception to the required entry of ownership transferred according to a contract and the introduction of the intabulation by record (acquiring ownership on the effectiveness of the contract).





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