Problems Related to Evaluation Concerning the Providing of "Other Suitable Lands" in Accordance with the Land Act


The article deals with two topical problems concerning evaluation of land in cases when an entitled person can not have his/her previously owned lands returned on the basis of the Act No. 229/1991 Coll. on Regulation of Ownership Relations to Lands and Other Agricultural Property, in wording of latex amendments and changes (the complete version is contained in the Act No. 195/1993 Coll.), due to legal objections. An essential principle should be considered the fact determining that a kind of lands in the frame of which the concerned plot had been registered and used at the time of the expropriation is decisive for the evaluation. A plot that is to be found in the frame of such a kind of lands at the moment of effectivity of the Land Act is not important for the evaluation. The moment as of which the Land Act has entered into effect is, however, important in respect of using the legal provisions applying on the evaluation, that is to say the Decree No. 182/1988 Coll, on Prices of Lands,Permanent Vegetation, Compensation for Constructions of Personal Use of Lands and Compensation for Temporary Use of Lands, in wording of later changes and amendments.





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