Legal Symbolism in Fine Art



An article discusses the use of special characters in the fine art, through which the author conveys deeper meaning of these characters to the observer. Use of special characters in the fine art is called symbolism. The presentation of hidden meanings also required law and justice, as well as their specific processes, their performance, and their results. The thesis defines the key terms – law, art, symbolism, and their interrelationships. The main goal of the thesis is the search of legal symbolism and analysis of legal symbolism in fine art and in specific art works. The work attempts to identify the hidden meanings of legal symbolism in its various dimensions. Through the research, thesis also focuses on the perception of legal symbolism in the fine art by its observers, as well as their ability to decipher the hidden legacy of the author.

Klíčová slova:
Symbolism; Legal Symbolism; Legal Symbols; Fine Art; Law; Function of symbolism; Hidden Meanings


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