The Rule of Law Framework and its Effectiveness


The article gathers information about the Rule of Law Framework and analyzes the Rule of Law Framework and its implementation. It starts by introducing the Framework itself. It further maps out its implementation via the Recommendations made against Poland. The Recommendations are set within their context, and their reception by Poland follows. Building on the experience, the European Commission opened a discussion on the future of the Framework and its potential improvement. The discussion is touched upon in the article as well. The article analyzes the effectiveness of the Framework in a case study in Poland. It concludes that the Framework was ineffective with regard to achieving its three functions.

Klíčová slova:
Rule of Law; Rule of Law Framework; Article 7 TEU; Poland; Foundational Values.

Biografie autora

Štěpán Paulík

Právnická fakulta, Masarykova univerzita, Brno


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