Čeština pro specifické účely ve velmi specifických podmínkách: jak naučit zdravotnickou češtinu ukrajinské uprchlíky
The paper deals with a very specific case of career advancement, namely how to teach the basics of medical Czech to Ukrainian refugees (and especially refugee women) as quickly as possible so that they can get decent jobs in the Czech Republic in their field. The specificity of this case is manifold. Geographical mobility in this case actually precedes plurilingual competence: refugees first move involuntarily into the territory of a foreign language and only then acquire the local language. From a didactic point of view, they have the advantage of learning the language directly in the territory where it is spoken, they are surrounded by it, and mostly highly motivated; on the other hand, they are in an extremely difficult life situation, which creates, among other things, extreme stress, not allowing them to concentrate fully on their studies. Moreover, they are forced to acquire the language really quickly. At the same time, it is also true that, at least as far as the ability to communicate in a hospital environment with patients and medical staff is concerned, their Czech must be at a good level, because the specific nature of hospital communication does not allow for the presence of a linguistically insufficiently equipped professional (the control mechanism on the part of the state in this respect is a language exam or nostrification). It is therefore clear that the teachers of these students face an extremely difficult task, and the same applies to the authors who prepare teaching materials for them. The paper comments on the specificity of the situation described above, and from a didactic and linguistic point of view, discusses various aspects of the problem, and on the recently published textbook Léčíme česky. Czech for Nurses and Other Health Professionals (Čermáková et alii, 2022) illustrates a possible solution to the task of preparing teaching material for this special type of students.
Czech for specific purposes; communication in nursing; communication with patients; Ukrainian refugees; medical Czech
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Copyright © 2024 Iveta Čermáková, Marie Zvoníčková, Tereza Bakusová