Motives of applicants for choosing FIR VŠE in Prague and language preferences of students studying in the bachelor´s programs there
Abstract: This article presents the results of qualitative and quantitative research, the subject of which was, in addition to the motivation of applicants to study at the Faculty of International Relations (FIR) of the University of Economics and Business (VŠE), the language preferences of students studying in the Bachelor programmes of this faculty. The data collection took the form of an anonymous questionnaire survey. In the first part of the research, the motivation of first-year students for choosing the FIR VŠE was investigated through an open-ended question. The aim of the second part was to find out the entry level of second language proficiency and preferences and requirements regarding the teaching of second and other foreign languages at the VŠE. For this purpose, a semi-structured questionnaire was chosen as the research tool. The qualitative part of the research clearly shows that applicants choose the FIR VŠE mainly due to the high quality and wide range of foreign language teaching, with the study of two foreign languages being the most frequently cited motive. The research showed that a significant number of respondents (11 % definitely and 39 % probably) would not choose to study at the FIR VŠE if the teaching of a second foreign language was not a compulsory part of the curriculum. The second most frequent reason given is interest in a particular field of study and a broad application on the labour market. The quantitative survey showed, for example, that respondents estimated their entry level of the second language as lower than required by the Framework Educational Programme (RVP) in secondary schools. The data analysis also showed a strong interest of learners in a third and fourth foreign language. While German is by a wide margin the most desirable second compulsory language, according to the statistics, Spanish dominates as the third non-compulsory language and Italian as the fourth.
survey; motives for choosing the university; language preferences; foreign language for specific purposes; FIR VŠE (University of Economics and Business)
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Copyright © 2023 Kateřina Dvořáková, Petra Jeřábková, Lenka Kalousková, Dominika Kovářová