eLADE: The University of Granada Bi-level B1/B2 Accreditation Exam. Construction and Validation Process



The Centre of Modern Languages of the University of Granada offers the eLADE B1/B2 (Examen en Línea de Acreditación de Dominio de Español), the first e-Test of Spanish Proficiency to be completely reliable. This test is aligned with the CEFR and complies with the standards for best-practice assessment of international institutions. It is also recognized by all the Universities belonging to the Associations of Language Centres in Higher Education in Spain (ACLES) and Europe (CERCLES). In this article we will describe the test, its specifications and administration, together with the construction and validation process that make it the first online test of Spanish proficiency to be fully fair, validated and reliable. All this information is aimed for potential candidates and policy-makers, as well as other test developers, for the sake of transparency and good testing practices.

Spanish; language accreditation; online testing; test specifications

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