Course Design in Teaching Aviation English as EOP



The paper intends to contribute to the development of teaching EOP by presenting the experience gained in designing and teaching an intensive Aviation English course to Czech Air Force professionals. It is focused on course design, namely on the process of its endless refinement. It analyses the outcomes of learners’ questionnaires evaluating 11 two-week course runs in the years 2013-2016, and presents how they contributed to the modification of the course design. In addition to that, it suggests some measures that might be adopted to encourage learners’ professional development and sustainable lifelong learning.

Aviation English; ATC; EOP; ESP; course design; course evaluation; Moodle
Author biography

Eva Staňková

Centrum jazykového vzdělávání MU

Marta Holasová pracuje jako koordinátorka v Centru jazykového vzdělávání Masarykovy univerzity. Je dlouholetou členkou CASAJC, zakladatelkou a redaktorkou časopisu CASALC Review V projektu Czech on-line má na starosti modul týkající se informací o České republice.

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