English for Porters - ESP Curriculum Developmnet



Designing an English language curriculum that is relevant to students’ needs and empowers them to use their language skills in real life situations with respect to their job is the focus of English for Specific Purposes. This paper addresses both the theoretical peculiarities of designing an authentic and valuable ESP course in English for Porters, as well as the actual process of implementing it. Fundamental principals of ESP are explained in the theoretical part. Research carried out through questionnaires established the basis for a detailed profile of the porters’ needs. This paved the way for creating a coursebook and an intensive course that directly mirrors the demand. Implementing such a course may benefit porters at other universities as it gives them a specific set of tools and enables them to communicate in English in their work.

ESP (English for Specific Purposes); porters; curriculum development; coursebook design
Author biography

Barbora Benešová

Centrum jazykového vzdělávání MU

Marta Holasová pracuje jako koordinátorka v Centru jazykového vzdělávání Masarykovy univerzity. Je dlouholetou členkou CASAJC, zakladatelkou a redaktorkou časopisu CASALC Review V projektu Czech on-line má na starosti modul týkající se informací o České republice.

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Výroční zpráva o činnosti [online]. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2001- [10.9.2016]. Dostupné z: https://www.zcu.cz/about/important-documents/vyrocni-zpravy.html





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