Students´ Attitudes to Cultural and Religious Diversity and Changing Conditions on Labour Market and in Education System



The presented paper deals with the questionnaire survey conducted by means of the Semantic Differential Method in the groups of students studying at School of Business Administration in Karviná, Silesian University in Opava. The research focuses on students´ attitudes towards some controversial aspects of the globalized society characterized by migration and plurality trends. The evaluation of the respondents´ opinions is especially related to the areas of religious and cultural diversity as well as the education system and its ability to adequately react to the current changes. Students´ answers also show their attitudes to the ethnic diversity at a potential workplace and focus on professional intercultural communication and problems that might occur in it. The paper also involves a short comparison of selected responses in the surveys conducted in 2016 and 2020. 

globalization; attitudes; culture; diversity; religion; security; communication barriers

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