Using Web 2.0 Application Podcast in Foreign Language Teaching
In this paper, we focused on communicating the results of the research on the podcasts and their impact on the development of listening comprehension language skills. The aim of the research was to prove that the podcast has an effect on the development of listening comprehension skills and on motivating students to devote themselves more to listening to recordings in a foreign language. In the research, we used quantitative research methods such as experiment, pre-test, post-test, and questionnaire method. The research took place at the University of Economics in Bratislava, and 60 respondents took part in the experiment. Through the pre-test and post-test, we found out to what extent were the respondents´ listening comprehension skills influenced. We used the statistical program SPSS to analyze the obtained data. The results confirmed that the use of podcasts in foreign language teaching has an impact on the development of listening comprehension language skills. Using the questionnaire method, we investigated the extent to which the use of the podcast affected the motivation of respondents to listen to recordings in a foreign language to an increased extent. The analysis of the responses confirmed that the respondents perceived the podcast as a new, non-traditional form of complement to traditional teaching, which had an impact on their motivation to listen more to the recordings in a foreign language. Research has confirmed that podcasting, as one of the tools of Web 2.0, has a positive impact on the development of listening comprehension language skills.
applications; information and communication technologies; language skill listening; podcast; Web 2.0
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