German in Politics and Diplomacy at the University of Economics


This paper deals with teaching of professional German focused on politics and diplomacy at the University of Economics in Prague. The introduction presents the system of language teaching at the Faculty of International Relations of the University of Economics, the bachelor study program International Studies – Diplomacy and two specialized language courses designed for this program German in International Studies 1 and 2. A substantial part of the paper is a presentation of the basic learning material Deutsch in Politik und Diplomatie that was created for these courses and especially various methodological procedures for working with it. Complementary forms of teaching – working with political news, television news and authentic media texts – are also included, including grammar review and testing. In conclusion, it is stated that in courses of German as a second foreign language intended for students of the bachelor program International Studies - Diplomacy, it can be worked with professional language at an advanced level and that by appropriate strategies, the students can be motivated to acquire and consolidate it.

German in politics and diplomacy – learning materials – methodical procedures

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