Innovation of the Course of English for Tourism at the Faculty of Economics of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen


This paper deals with the innovation project VS-18-007 carried out by the teachers of the Institute of Applied Language Studies at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen in 2018. The aim of the authors is to present both their colleagues teaching Business English at the institutions of higher education and other language teachers with the content and progress of the project, as well as to share their experience applying the results of the project to their teaching. The main goal of the project was to innovate the Course of English for Tourism by means of introducing more up-to-date teaching materials together with more efficient teaching and evaluation methods, which should contribute to enhanced language progress on the part of the students. Apart from the new set of teaching materials, the introductory part of the paper looks at the content and aims of the innovated course. The next part of the paper presents the newly adopted teaching and evaluation methods with some practical examples. Finally, the paper describes the type of the questionnaire given to students after the first term of teaching the innovated course. The questionnaire focused on the assessment of the use of new study materials and also the teaching and evaluation methods as part of the instruction process.

English for tourism; evaluation; innovation; presentations on specific projects; student portfolio; teaching methods; tests

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