Teaching Latin in International Student Groups: Comparative Study



Latin is an old language, but its importance in the field in medicine is still prevalent. When teaching the terminology of medical Latin to the international students’ groups at Riga Stradiņš University in Latvia, the lecturers encounter certain problems in the teaching of the course due to the grammatical complexity of the Latin terminology and students’ understanding/explanation of the terms in their national languages. The current study was aimed at undertaking a comparative study for identifying the most common difficulties encountered in the study process by international students and local Latvian students.

Students’ final or/and interim tests were used to analyse the most common mistakes. Some general statistics from our university were also helpful in our work. In order to sort out the most common mistakes, we used both qualitative and quantitative methods to see the frequency of the mistakes mentioned above.

Klíčová slova:
Latin medical terminology; students’ motivation; comparative study

Baltic branch, available in: http://aboutworldlanguages.com/baltic-branch

William Brockliss, Latin and Power: Warnings and opportunities from the long history of the language, available in: http://tcl.camws.org/sites/default/files/Brockliss_0.pdf

Dr. Ulriche Hohmann Quantitative Methods in education research, available in: http://www.edu.plymouth.ac.uk/resined/quantitative/quanthme.htm

The language of medicine, available in: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1079361/

Lowe Cheryl Top 10 Reasons for Studying Latin, available in: http://www.memoriapress.com/articles/top-10-reasons-studying-latin

Mazlovskis A., Ričika D. Invia est in medicina via sine lingua Latīna; Latīņu valodas lietojums medicīnas un farmācijas terminoloģijā, available in http://www.doctus.lv/2010/4/invia-est-in-medicina-via-sine-lingua-latina-latinu-valodas-lietojums-medicinas-un-farmacijas-terminologija

Nick Pratt Qualitative Research, available in http://www.edu.plymouth.ac.uk/resined/qualitative%20methods%202/qualrshm.htm

http://www.rsu.lv/, e-studies Materials elaborated by Riga Stradiņš Universities’ lecturers Nina Zazerska, Inara Abelite, Vita Viksne, Aija Zilvestre and + Lidija Krusta





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