Promoting Dynamic CLIL Courses in Portuguese Higher Education: From design and training to implementation



This article demonstrates the method, procedures and results of a national research project aiming to implement Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) courses in Portuguese higher education (HE)., the Network Association of Language Centres in HE in Portugal, carried out a review of the literature and an extensive needs analysis based on interviews with administrators and subject teachers to substantiate this need for CLIL in HE. The first 10-hour CLIL teacher training pilot courses, conceived of as Communities of Practice, involved learning to deal with approaches to teaching language and content by scaffolding and applying a terminology-based approach, all of which was systematized in a collaboratively written training guide. Data gathering instruments were created for observation, questioning and documenting, which served to analyse the results and assess the sustainability of the interrelated objectives of creating further CoPs so that more and better CLIL modules can be implemented across the country. 

Klíčová slova:
CLIL; Portuguese Higher Education; Communities of Practice; Terminology; Scaffolding

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