The use of AI in foreign language teaching at universities - one year later



The paper deals with artificial intelligence in foreign language teaching, its potential, opportunities, and also threats. The purpose of the study is to find out about the sentiment of foreign language teachers towards artificial intelligence, their experience, and the extent to which they have already been trained in this field. To achieve these objectives, the authors adopted a mixed approach, where a questionnaire and interviews were used as research tools. Based on the results of the questionnaire survey, we can conclude that no dependence between age and sentiment towards AI has been proved. Also, there is no dependence between training provided by the university and teachers ́ sentiment towards AI. On the other hand, there is a dependence between training provided by the language department and teachers´ sentiment towards AI. By now, most university language teachers have not received enough training from their employers and acquire their skills mainly through self-study. They would appreciate continuous training in AI and related fields.

Klíčová slova:
language teaching ; university pedagogy ; teacher training
Biografie autora

Zuzana Slobodová

She studied Slovak and German language and literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences at the Prešov University in Prešov (2002 – 2007).  In 2012, she completed her doctoral studies at the Faculty of Arts of the Prešov University in Prešov (Slavic languages ​​and literatures). Since 2014 she has worked as an assistant professor at the Department of Intercultural Communication, Faculty of Management, Economics and Business, Prešov University in Prešov. In her scientific activities, she focuses on dynamic processes in Slavic languages, comparative research of Slavic and Germanic languages and teaching German with an economic focus.


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Volume 3, 2023, Pages 208-217, ISSN 2667-2413,



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