Abbreviations in modern business correspondence and their pedagogical implications



The aim of our contribution is to outline the frequent usage of abbreviation processes in contemporary written business correspondence and to demonstrate the means of creating abbreviations in this specific area of English. In the light of the latest trends of economization of speech in business communication, the abbreviation formation is highly topical and for this reason, we focus on the analysis of the specific content of written business correspondence. For a better understanding of the issue of economization of speech and business correspondence, we define contemporary business communication in more detail, focusing on written correspondence. By using the method of corpus analysis, we qualitatively describe the regularities and irregularities in the creation of abbreviations extracted, which allows us to find out which abbreviation phenomena are a reflection of the real characteristics of the jargon of business correspondence and which are rarely found in it. The outcome of our analysis is also reflected in its pedagogical implications.

Klíčová slova:
abbreviations ; business communication; business correspondence; corpus analysis

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