Authenticity in ESAP Course Design: Managing Departmental & Student Expectations



Designing English for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP) programmes which could help practitioners to deliver an authentic experience to students preparing for degree courses is undeniably challenging. However, with careful planning, close cooperation with academics and feedback from students both before and after they embark on their departmental studies, it is a challenge that can be successfully met.

The Business Management English (BME) Programme at the University of Birmingham is one of the UK’s leading discipline-specific ESAP courses for postgraduate students. This article illustrates the three-pronged approach to course design which was taken to develop an authentic presessional English course for business students.  

The key to the approach lies in attempting to design a curriculum which mirrors departmental studies in terms of the pedagogical methods employed, the materials and assessment techniques used, and the seminar tasks set. It is also about understanding and managing both departmental and student expectations to create a rewarding learning experience. Note: the approach herein can be used to design an ESAP course for any discipline.

Klíčová slova:
course design; ESAP; presessional; authenticity; expectations

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