To Use or not to Use: Adapting the Textbook for the Course of English for Laboratory Technicians



The present contribution is an attempt at describing the way the course of English for laboratory technicians is taught at the Medical faculty of Masaryk University. This article outlines the main adaptation strategies undertaken in order to render the learning process more efficient (with respect to group dynamics, interaction focus and language skills). Firstly, the existing textbook will be put into context with a view of providing the necessary background. Then, I will introduce key concepts developed by Kathleen Graves in her work on adapting textbooks. Her adaptation criteria are part of the adaptation cycle consisting of planning, teaching, re-planning and re-teaching. In order to demonstrate the changes outlined theoretically, a practical example of some of the most important modifications implemented in the innovated course is included. 

Klíčová slova:
textbook; adaptation; designing courses; innovation; ESP
Biografie autora

Ladislav Václavík

Centrum jazykového vzdělávání MU

Marta Holasová pracuje jako koordinátorka v Centru jazykového vzdělávání Masarykovy univerzity. Je dlouholetou členkou CASAJC, zakladatelkou a redaktorkou časopisu CASALC Review V projektu Czech on-line má na starosti modul týkající se informací o České republice.

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