Příprava studentů na ústní projev zkoušky podle STANAG 6001 z ruského jazyka



The article deals with the preparation of the University of Defence students and professionals working for the defence sector for an oral exam in Russian (levels SLP 1111 and 2222 according to NATO STANAG 6001). The article describes specific requirements for oral performance, the importance of an objective evaluation of the oral performance for teachers and students, the methodology of appropriate teaching materials production and practical usage. There is also described the process of selection, collection and ensuing materials processing for the problematic features practice in phonetic, morphological, syntactic and lexical-semantic levels for the purpose of preventing interlingual interference when teaching a second Slavic language. There are also described and analysed system differences which represent potential mistakes source arising from an interlingual interference influence and there are also mentioned recommendations for different kinds of language exercises production from the beginner to intermediate levels. The conclusions are based on my own research, the purpose of which is to make the students prepare for the oral performance effective at the maximum.

Klíčová slova:
požadavky na ústní projev; výukový materiál; recepce; produkce; interakce; jazyková interference; nácvik dialogu a monologu

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