Conference Skills in Remote Learning



Abstract: Practising conference skills improves students’ language competence for their future careers and increases their motivation to study a foreign language. The project of a “mock scientific conference” developed at the Language Centre at the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University can be seen as an instance of project-based learning. In the first section of our paper, we discuss individual tasks and activities designed for the students at a postgraduate level, including practice in delivering expert talks, writing abstracts and bionotes, organizing the event and performing various roles, such as chairing sessions and leading discussions. The second chapter is devoted to the adaptation of the originally in-class course to the remote-learning environment. It outlines the modifications needed for achieving a successful online communication and the cooperation of students and establishing a meaningful social interaction. Suggestions for an efficient use of interactive online tools, applications and platforms are given that can be employed in enhancing the writing and speaking skills of students.  

Klíčová slova:
remote learning; conference simulation; project-based learning; interactive tools; student-autonomy

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