Digital Media in ESP Instruction for Marketing Communication


Digital media have profoundly changed our lifestyles especially in ways we communicate and consume information while video-on-demand and other video formats are taking the lead. As a result, also students' preferences related to the content and formats of study materials are changing in a dramatic way. Almost every day, not only foreign language teachers can observe how incredibly quickly technologies used in instruction are changing and their own teaching materials are becoming obsolete after significantly shorter time periods compared to the situation several years ago.  The aim of this paper is to examine and critically evaluate the existing opportunities for English teachers to incorporate video formats into their portfolio of teaching methods as well as use them effectively in the process of updating their own teaching materials. Due to the fact that creative ideas for methodological application of video formats are fully transferable into almost any kind of study programmes, the paper is complemented by a lesson plan based on the Bring your own device (BYOD) approach and the use of the mobile app iMovie. Further, within the frame of microlearning, the article presents a way of using off-the-shelf videos with technical content as part of interactive presentations prepared and presented by students in ESP classes and also in other specialized subjects. Selected results of the empirical research into the managerial attitudes towards incorporating video formats into corporate training enhance the importance of acquiring innovative skills in the context of foreign language learning already during university studies.

Klíčová slova:
English for specific purposes; off-the-shelf video; digital media; creative use of video; mobile apps; video format; video-on-demand

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