Online authentic texts in business English classes – a practical perspective



Foreign language teaching is common practice in all types of schools in today´s globalized world to prepare students for active use of language in professional practice.

Using information communication technologies (ICT) to teach a foreign language in the tertiary level, can greatly contribute to students´ better preparedness for the labor market, whether at home or abroad. The use of these technologies also contributes to reaching high effectiveness in the learning process, increases students´ motivation to learn the language, leads to logical thinking and increases students´ ability to express themselves in communication.

In this paper the authors focus on the practical use of authentic online texts for teaching English as a foreign language mainly at the tertiary level of education. The main purpose is to discuss the issue of authenticity in EFL classrooms and give a practical picture of the possibilities offered by the wide range of authentic online texts.

Klíčová slova:
authentic texts; internet; communicative tasks; online texts

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