Why do border guards need standardized English?
Klíčová slova:
border guard; Frontex; irregular migration; English for Specific Purposes; English languages skills and competences
The article outlines the current migration situation in Europe, appointment of Slovak border guards into newly created special police foreign unit on the basis of the language testing system. Setting up a new immigration police unit for border patrols has been facilitated by demands from Frontex. In the light of border police officers’ (border guards) deployment in Frontex missions the author briefly introduces English for Specific purposes. On the basis of international research (Frontex training needs assessment), the author identifies the language content syllabus for special border guards’ training. In general, the article aims to support the fact that border guards need to enhance their specific English language knowledge, skills and competences in all concerned Member States.
border guard; Frontex; irregular migration; English for Specific Purposes; English languages skills and competences

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