Teaching academic writing through disciplinary corpora: a review of Learning the Language of Dentistry by Peter Crosthwaite and Lisa Cheung



Corpus linguistics offers IT-enhanced methodological approaches for LSP tutors in order to provide their students with relevant grammar, key discipline vocabulary and specific rhetorical patterns in a constructivist and contextualised environment. Learning the Language of Dentistry by Peter Crosthwaite and Lisa Cheung is the first systematic contribution to corpus-based analysis of the language of dentistry for the purposes of disciplinary writing.

Klíčová slova:
corpus linguistics; data-driven learning; corpus-based learning; corpus-driven learning; language of dentistry
Biografie autora

Kateřina Pořízková

Masarykova univerzita, Centrum jazykového vzdělávání

Kateřina Pořízková works as an assistant professor at Masaryk University Language Centre. She deals with corpus linguistics with a special focus on medical terminology. Her major interest lies in the data driven learning approach in the pedagogical process. She is currently working on a corpus of authentic clinical diagnoses exported from Czech patient records for linguistic analyses and practical use in Sketch Engine corpus manager.


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