Academic Self-Organised Learning Environment – the lessons to be learned and taught



In this paper the author describes an exploratory practice-based research study on Academic Self-Organised Learning Environments, conducted with and also by student teachers of science in their course of English. The students took part in an experimental ASOLE class and subsequently described and evaluated this experience in essays and class discussions. Results show that future teachers view the concept of self-organised learning environments as potentially very beneficial in terms of developing specific skills and competences such as critical thinking and autonomy, however, they also highlight specific risks or problematic issues associated with the method, e.g. the effect of this type of learning on different personalities of children. Implementing ASOLE into a course for future teachers was a transformative experience especially when combined with the exploratory study and will hopefully help the students become reflective teachers.

Klíčová slova:
Academic Self-Organised Learning Environment; learning autonomy; teacher training; exploratory practice

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