Tertiary level proficiency in ESP: Employer survey analysis


One of the most topical issues in the field of teaching and learning English for Specific Purposes is the question whether tertiary students are able to succeed in mastering English as a foreign language effectively and subsequently to be competitive in the multicultural corporate sphere. The paper presents a study aimed at large employers and their requirements on university graduates’ language skills. The research was conducted in November 2018 within 12th JobChallenge Fair in Brno, Czech Republic, where large companies and businesses targeted students as their prospective employees. Following theoretical groundwork, a questionnaire was designed and administered to representatives of 36 companies operating in engineering, information technology and economy. The aim of the survey was to identify required language proficiency according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages as a model for describing knowledge levels. Findings show that most of the employers prefer graduates in junior positions with B2 level of English, specifically of both English for General Purposes and English for Specific Purposes. In addition, the analysis reveals great demand for productive skills such as active participating in meetings, telephoning, business correspondence or presentation skills whereas receptive skills are considered to be less important.

Klíčová slova:
needs analysis; employers’ needs; global multinational companies; university graduates; language skills; English for Specific Purposes
Biografie autora

Jana Jašková

Department of Languages Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Brno University of Technology

The author graduated from the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic, where she received her doctoral degree in Foreign Language Didactics. Her research interests include teachers’ professional development, pedagogical content knowledge, and ESP didactics. She has published a monograph on ESP university novices’ development and some studies in periodicals, monographs and conference proceedings.

Dagmar Šťastná

Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic

The author graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy and Science, Silesian University in Opava, and the College of Entrepreneurship and Law in Ostrava, Czech Republic. She focuses on English for Specific Purposes both at bachelor and master levels, specializes in business communication skills and actively participates in designing e-learning courses.


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