Multimedia in history teachers training: the use of learning platform as an exmple of www.praktyki.wh.umcs projekt

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

In times of globalization, teachers are also required to have computer media competency, expressed by the ability to use information and communication technologies to improve the teaching-educational processes. Teachers are required to process, acquire, and use rapidly increasing knowledge about the world and also to train students in these skills. In order to better prepare students for the profession, and thus increase the effectiveness of teaching practice, university researchers at the Faculty of Humanities at UMCS developed a new innovative teaching practice program in early 2010. An important part of the practice is to train future teachers in effective use of media, in particular information technology. Use of the latest multimedia, primarily the Moodle e-learning platform, serves these objectives.

Klíčová slova:
multimedia in history teachers; Internet; learning platform; platform Moodle; website




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