The Changing Role of the Faculty of Military Leadership in Czech Military Education (2004–2018)



Educational mission of the Faculty of Military Leadership (until 2014 as Faculty of Economics and Management) of the University of Defence (Brno, Czech Republic) underwent since its origin in 2004 to 2018 number of changes. By analysing the structure of study programmes and the number of employees and students, the goal of this article is to identify the main periods in the development of the faculty as well as its role in the educational system. The results are as follows.
The first period was a reaction to a process of professionalization of army, i.e., the replacement the conscript army by professionals that led into decrease of number of military students and parallel orientation towards civilian study programmes in national security. The second stage was influenced by the financial crisis of 2007–2008; that is why a gradual reduction of military study took place as well as serious considerations about the dissolution of the faculty and university, respectively. The third, final, period began in 2013–2014. Its main element was the change of characteristics of study programmes and their connection to the “militarization” of the faculty; reorganization of the structure of the faculty in 2014; the gradual increase of the number of military students at the expense of civilian students; and, finally, the cancelation of civilian study programmes. Year 2018, when personal changes in management of faculty took place together with a consideration about principles of a new study programme, could be regarded as the beginning of a qualitative new period in history of Faculty of Military Leadership that lasts until present day – and as such is out of focus of this study.


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