The Project Method: Practical Implementation in English Classroom



The article focuses on the project method as a teaching tool, which activates teacher and students’ roles in learning English. We reveal our experience of implementing project activities to develop different communicative skills such as speaking, reading, listening, and writing. The paper deals with special approaches while developing project stages for each skill. In the article, listening skills are presented as the most difficult ones for the students to acquire within the project method activity. Even the most advanced learners need to prolong working on listening and will find that there are some words or collocations which are difficult to understand the first time they hear them. It can be stated that project method implementation into class activities comprises all language skills which are interconnected, meanwhile, reading skills are the basis of writing activity and enlarge an individual’s vocabulary, knowledge about the world around or inner outlook. Listening skills prepare for better understanding, responding and proceed to further information in the process of learning. It is also emphasized that development of speaking skills with the project method provide easier communication for a speaker in different speech areas, which can lead to the higher professional development.

language; acquisition; project; activities; classroom


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