Andrey Sheptytsky – an Educator and a Caretaker of the Ukrainian Youth


Metropolitan of Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church (UGCC), a prominent public figure Andrey Sheptytsky made a great contribution to the development of the spiritual and cultural heritage. Metropolitan Andrey was a charismatic personality who devoted his life to the service of God and Ukrainian people. Upbringing and caring of the youth occupied a significant place among his vital interests. He considered the young people the driving force and the great hope of the Ukrainian society to have bright future in the native Fatherland. Metropolitan’s upbringing mission is seen as the forming of the harmonious person on the Christian principles. He paid a great attention to the family, emphasized the role of education and teachers. He also concentrated on the problems of the poor people and orphans. Sheptytsky developed all aspects of the national and educational system. He established different educational institutions and supported the patriotic youth organizations activity. He also was a patron and an inspirator of a great deal of good events where the Ukrainian youth took part.

Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky; educator; caretaker; Ukrainian youth; national and Christian upbringing


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