Cultural education of the Hutsuls. Historical and contemporary contexts


The Hutsuls – an ethnic highlander group inhabiting Eastern Carpathians in the Ukraine have constantly made efforts to organise cultural education of their young generations. Throughout the ages the level of involvement of families, local communities, professional circles, and schools in culture and education has varied. Until the second half of the 20th century the duty of forming cultural identity lay with families, as well as local communities and professional circles. The work of schools was made difficult by ideological and political factors. It was only in the 1990s that schools have become free to engage in the development of regional education. The curricula related to the Hutsul culture on the preschool level, as well as all the other levels of education, can serve as an example of the efforts that Hutsuls have made to preserve their culture and ethnic identity and to promote the traditions that they have shaped through the ages in their country as well as abroad.

cultural education; ethnic group; ethnic identity; Hutsuls.


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