The results of the work of the Polish-Czechoslovakian Legal Cooperation Commission pertaining to the legal situation of children – the Polish perspective


The paper presents the changes of family law regulations in Poland after World War II which aimed to adapt the first unification of the regulations that had taken place in 1945-1946 to the social reality. That is why in 1948 the Polish-Czechoslovakian Legal Cooperation Commission was established. The Commission was to develop a project of regulations to be introduced in Poland and in Czechoslovakia. The results of the works of the Commission include: Act on family law (went into effect on January 1, 1950 in Czechoslovakia) and the Family Code (went into effect on October 1, 1950 in Poland). Both the legal acts were highly similar in their structure as well as the employed legal solutions. In her paper the author concentrates on the regulation of the legal situation of children in Poland’s Family Code, because it is her belief that this regulation aimed to make equal the legal situation of legitimate and illegitimate children. These problems were regulated in an identical way in both countries.

Polish-Czechoslovakian Legal Cooperation Commission; parentage of a child; parental authority; legitimate and illegitimate children; codification of family law; unification of family law


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