Civil education in the theory and practice of Women’s Civil Work Association in the Second Polish Republic


One of the main aims of Women’s Civil Work Association (Związek Pracy Obywatelskiej Kobiet) (1928-1939): the largest and the most influential women’s organisation of the Sanation political camp in Poland in the interwar period, was the creation of a new model of a woman citizen and forming and educating women, in concordance with ideological and political ideas of the Sanation (the state-forming idea of J. Piłsudski), to be “a new type of citizens”, aware of their rights and duties, who take an interest in the affairs of the state and who take an active stance towards the strengthening of the new independent state. The Association tried to achieve this aim by organising various forms and methods of civil education, setting up and running various educational, supportive, an economic institutions, which made it possible for the Association to bring into effect its ideas, including the main goal, that is, the creation of a modern, active, and responsible woman citizen.

civil education; forms and methods of civil education


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