Bednaříková, Michaela
Vol.10,No.1(2020) (Workshop 2019: BIOSCIENCES IN POLAR AND ALPINE RESEARCH (Extended abstracts))
Antarctic lichen Dermatocarpon polyphyllizum affected by desiccation and low temperature
Vol.11,No.1(2021) (Workshop 2020: BIOSCIENCES IN POLAR AND ALPINE RESEARCH (Extended abstracts) Ecological, Social, and Geopolitical Interlinks)
Symbiotic algae and cyanobacteria isolated from Antarctic lichens
Vol.10,No.2(2020) (Original Papers)
Spectral properties of Antarctic and Alpine vegetation monitored by multispectral camera: Case studies from James Ross Island and Jeseníky Mts.
Vol.10,No.2(2020) (Original Papers)
Light regimen-induced variability of photosynthetic pigments and UV-B absorbing compounds in Luzula sylvatica from Arcto-Alpine tundra