Landscape-dynamic aspects of soil formation in the Lena River Delta



This article provides data on the study of pedodiversity and pecularities of soils and their spatial distribution in the territory of the Lena River Delta (Siberia, Russia). Special reference to geogenic factors of soil formation in the pedoenvironment are made. The main patterns of soil distribution in different geomorphic positions for Samoilovsky, Arga-Belir-Aryta, Kurungnakh and Hardang islands are discussed. The soil catenas of the 4 investigated islands are given as a reliable representation of the formation of soils and the development of soil-forming processes in various types of relief and geomorphological features. Soils are represented mainly by the following groups: Fluvisols, Umbrisols, Podzols, Cryosols, Histosols, Gleysols, which are closely related to the geomorphic terraces of the delta.

soil catenas; pedodiversity; soil organic matter; Lena River Delta

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