Are We Getting Good Decisions by Top - Level Domain Name Dispute Resolution Providers?
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has offered unique solution to deal with disputes regarding the registration of internet domain names (so called trademark dilemma) in 1999. Uniform domain name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) delimits procedural rules to solve such disputes and to create non – binding decision (binding between involved parties) which approves / rejects the transfer of the domain name to new (trademark) owner.
This paper has to focus on the question whether we are getting good decisions or the decisions in similar cases are decided more or less randomly. It is necessary to focus on such question also because of the fact that ICANN is planned to be transferred to the global multi - stakeholder community this year. Is the decision making process ready for such a big change or is it easily suggestible? To try to answer this question it will be necessary to go through the history and activities of ICANN and to focus mainly on UDRP process. Comparison of the convenient trademark dilemma cases or statistics will try to show defects of the rules, which are pointing at problems not only recently but already for quite a long time.
The conclusion then is to articulate possible future development and to offer some recommendations of what is necessary to pay attention to.
Domain name; online dispute resolution; ICANN; UDPR
p. 111–128
Pavel Loutocký
Masarykova universita Právnická fakulta Ústav práva a technologií
Ph.D. student
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