About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology (ISSN on-line 1802-5951, ISSN printed 1802-5943) is a peer-reviewed academic journal which publishes original articles in the field of information and communication technology law. All submissions should deal with phenomena related to law in modern technologies (e.g. privacy and data protection, intellectual property, biotechnologies, cyber security and cyber warfare, energy law). We prefer submissions dealing with contemporary issues.
Peer Review Process
Reviewers should refuse to review an article if they have already provided the author with comments on it or its earlier version. If a reviewer knows the identity of the author, he or she should inform the Editors. Reviewers should respect the confidentiality of the review process and not discuss the article with anyone other than the Editor.
Reviewers are obliged to evaluate the articles objectively and professionally. Personal biases in their comments and judgments should be avoided. Reviewers are expected to explain and support their scholarly judgment.
Reviewers are obliged to review the submission in a timely manner.
Publication Frequency
Summer issue:
Deadline 15 January of the respective year, publication 30 June of the respective year
Fall issue:
Deadline 15 March of the respective year, publication 30 September of the respective year
Editorial Board
Tomáš Abelovský, AS Legal, Bratislava
Zsolt Balogh, Corvinus University, Budapest
Michael Bogdan, University of Lund
Joseph A. Cannataci, University of Malta | University of Groningen
Josef Donát, ROWAN LEGAL, Prague
Julia Hörnle, Queen Mary University of London
Josef Kotásek, Masaryk University, Brno
Leonhard Reis, University of Vienna
Naděžda Rozehnalová, Masaryk University, Brno
Vladimír Smejkal, Brno University of Technology
Martin Škop, Masaryk University, Brno
Dan Jerker B. Svantesson, Bond University, Gold Coast
Markéta Trimble, UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law
Andreas Wiebe, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Aleš Završnik, University of Ljubljana
MUJLT is listed in:
- Hein Online
- Ulrichsweb
Principles of publication ethics
The aim of the Principles is to prevent potential illegal or unethical procedures in each stage of publication process in the Masaryk Journal of Law and Technology.
By sending a manuscript to the publisher an author confirms that her text is an original piece of work which has not been published yet. Any plagiarism, submission of identical or already published manuscripts and fraudulent misrepresentation are considered by the publisher as unacceptable and unethical. Non-original works and works which are plagiarism will not be published by the publisher.
The Principles are based on the following sources of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics):
- COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors
https://publicationethics.org/files/u2/Best_Practice.pdf - COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers
https://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines-new/cope-ethical-guidelines-peer-reviewers - Guide for new researchers
In the event that an issue which is not explicitly regulated by these Principles occurs, the abovementioned sources of COPE applies subsidiarily.
Before any initiation of cooperation, the publisher will inform authors, editors and reviewers about these Principles. The publisher will simultaneously inform authors, editors and reviewers about the existence of documents of COPE and their subsidiary applicability.
Publication Process
a) The publication process is initiated by submitting Your Work into the Open Journal System of MUJLT available at www.mujlt.law.muni.cz (further referred as “System”).
b) By submitting Your Work to the System You grant MU the License as specified below in the “License Agreement”. You also further confirm, that the Work has not been published yet, nor simultaneously offered for publication (the “Ingelfinger Rule”). Furthermore, if the Work was created jointly with other authors, You confirm that You have informed the co-author(s) of these terms and License grant and that You are authorized to grant MU the License.
c) The MUJLT editor examines if the Work meets the basic material and formal requirements for publication and may reject the Work on these grounds. If the Work meets these basic requirements the Work shall be evaluated in anonymous ("double-blind peer review") review process.
d) The reviews are communicated to the author via the System. In case of reviewers' proposals to make changes in the Work, You shall make the respective changes, using the “Track Changes” mode in the new version of Your paper. If You do not accept the proposed changes, You are obliged to formulate and submit a written opinion explaining the reasons for declining such proposals via the System.
e) The reviewers consider the changes made.
f) Based on the reviews the editorial board either accepts or rejects Your Work for publication.
g) In case of acceptance of Your Work the editor provides You via the System the typeset version of Your Work.
h) You shall proofread the typeset version and send it back with the required authorial corrections via the System within the timeframe set by the editor.
i) Upon final acceptance of the made corrections in the typeset version Your Work is published in MUJLT.
Article Policy
Any article submitted to the Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology must be an original work. The manuscript must not have a publishing history, must not be accepted for publication or be currently reviewed for publication elsewhere. An article currently reviewed by MUJLT cannot be submitted elsewhere.
Any article is to be free of plagiarism, fabrication and falsification. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable. In case of plagiarism the article will be rejected immediately. This unethical behavior will also be submitted to the Editorial Board that may prevent the author from submitting to MUJLT for a period of time depending on the Board’s consideration with regard to the grievance of the unethical behavior.
Dual publication is unacceptable. Author must cite work previously published or considered for publication (as an unpublished manuscript) and mark parts containing the exact sentences or paragraphs.
Authors should avoid excessive citation of their previous work in order to inflate their citation count.
Article that differs from another work by the same author in appearance and not in content does not constitute an original work. Each author is obliged to inform about such a closely related work during the submission. If requested, the author is obliged to provide a copy to editors.
All individuals significantly contributing to the article, and only those individuals, should be listed as Co-authors. Minor contributions by other people (commenting earlier version of the paper etc.) should be cited in the acknowledgement.
A re-publication of an article elsewhere, for example in the form of a book chapter or as a translation, is possible. The authors need an explicit permission to re-publish their article from Editorial Board.
The authors should treat the communication with Editors as confidential and not to disclose or indicate any information it contains.
License Agreement
By submitting Your scientific article (further referred as “Work”) into the Open Journal System of Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology (further referred as “MUJLT”) available at www.mujlt.law.muni.cz (further referred as “System”) You enter into the following License Agreement with Masaryk University (further referred as “MU”):
1. License grant
1.1 You hereby grant MU a gratuitous royalty-free non-exclusive, worldwide, transferable, assignable, sub-licensable License to use the Work or parts thereof individually or together with other works or elements unlimited as regards to amount and form and media of expression (including electronic) for non-commercial or commercial purposes gratuitously or for consideration without quantitative limitations.
1.2 The License to use the Work covers all the known manners of use of the Work – especially to, but not limited to, reproduce, publish alone or in cooperation with other publishers), distribute, transmit, make available or communicate to the public, publicly perform, translate, archive, store, sell, lease or lend, include into database, index and distribute via international scientific services and databases (including, but not limited to ERIH PLUS, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Central and Eastern European Online Library, EBSCO, Elsevier Scopus, HeinOnline, De Gruyter, Ulrichsweb and further relevant scientific databases and services) parts or the whole Work both online and offline in all forms and media in its initial or adapted form or otherwise modified, whether separately or in a collection or connection with any other works or elements.
1.3 The License is granted for the duration of economic rights to the Work.
2. Further use of Work by You
You hereby agree that You shall further use the Work after its publication in MUJLT as follows:
a) pre-print (i.e. the submitted unreviewed version of Work without any changes made during the publication process) anywhere provided that:
i) MUJLT is mentioned as the original source of publication,
ii) link to its formal publication via its Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is provided,
iii) it is not modified in any way in order to appear more like, or to substitute for, the publisher’s version;
b) post-print (i.e. the version that has been accepted for publication including revisions made during the publication process, especially after reviews, however without final typesetting, formatting and corrections) anywhere for non-commercial purposes (i.e. not primarily intended for or directed towards commercial advantage or monetary compensation) provided that:
i) MUJLT is mentioned as the original source of publication,
ii) link to its formal publication via its Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is provided,
iii) it is not modified in any way in order to appear more like, or to substitute for, the publisher’s version;
c) publisher’s version (i.e. post-print with final typesetting, formatting and corrections) for non-commercial purposes (i.e. not primarily intended for or directed towards commercial advantage or monetary compensation):
-on non-commercial academic repositories,
provided that:
i) it is not modified or adapted in any way,
ii) third parties are not granted any rights to use the publisher’s version,
iii) the reputation of MU and/or MUJLT is not negatively affected by such use;
The publisher’s version may be embedded into a thesis or dissertation as part of the formal submission and posted publicly by the awarding institution provided that MUJLT is mentioned as the original source of publication and link to its formal publication via its Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is provided.
3. Representations and Warranties
3.1 You represent and warrant that You have the right to enter into this License agreement titled to grant the License and that the Work does not infringe the intellectual property rights of other parties.
3.2 If the Work was created jointly with other authors, You represent and warrant that You have informed the co-author(s) about this License agreement and that You are authorized to grant MU the License and enter into this License Agreement on behalf of the other authors.
3.3 You shall indemnify MU from and against any and all liability, loss, costs, expenses or damages arising from any claim, demand, action or proceeding based upon or arising out of the breach or alleged breach of any of the representations or warranties set forth in this License agreement or incurred in the settlement or avoidance of any such claim. This agreement to indemnify shall survive any termination of this License agreement.
4. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
4.1 This agreement shall be governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Czech Republic.
4.2 The Czech courts shall have the exclusive jurisdiction.
5. Varia
5.1 This License agreement is effective as of the date of Your submission of the Work into the Open Journal System of MUJLT available at www.mujlt.law.muni.cz.
5.2 If the Work is rejected for publication in MUJLT, the License granted to MU shall be, as of the moment the decision of rejection is communicated to You via e-mail from the editor, restricted in such a way, that it shall cover use of the Work only for archiving purposes within the System.
Official partner - Czech Republic
ROWAN LEGAL, advokátní kancelář s.r.o. (www.rowanlegal.com/cz/)
ROWAN LEGAL is an international law firm and provides legal consultancy services to both public and private entities. ROWAN LEGAL specialises in ICT law, dispute resolution, public procurement, investment projects, transactional law and corporate law. From the very beginning ROWAN LEGAL has specialised in various legal aspects of the ICT sector, such as the implementation of information systems, software law, e-commerce, electronic communications, outsourcing or cloud computing. With more than 20 lawyers engaged in ICT law, ROWAN LEGAL has one of the largest ICT focused practices in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Many members of the team regularly give presentations at professional conferences; they also frequently publish articles and books on the legal aspects of ICT. With the recent expansion of cloud computing, ROWAN LEGAL has participated in developing standard terms and conditions for cloud computing services on behalf of major IT companies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.