Light at the End of the Tunnel for Cyber-libertarians?


In the Internet pre-commercial era, much of the most influential writing about cyberspace was written from a cyber-libertarian perspective. But then, times and the Internet changed, as well as the opinions on the future of Internet regulation. Nevertheless, there still are some technical developments which give libertarians hope that the future of the cyberspace will greatly differ from the dystopian views of it. Bitcoin is one of those technical developments and questions whether it really provides anonymity for individuals, demonstrates unregulability of certain aspects of cyberspace or makes the regulation of cyberspace less possible in general, lie at the heart of this paper. After finding answers to these questions, a more general one can be answered – is Bitcoin really a light at the end of the tunnel for digital libertarianism or just a false hope which will soon become a prey of cyber-paternalism?

p. 209–221




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