Creative Commons


The fact that there is no Czech version of Creative Commons licenses, obviously didn’t deter Czech internet users from using them. The Czech internet domain currently contains thousands of works licensed under Creative Commons, however a great part of these licenses are used improperly and can be considered invalid. The article describes the impacts of Creatives Commons movement on Czech internet community and analyses legal aspects of license contracts concluded via Creative Commons licensing schemes. The article comes to a conclusion that, generally speaking, these licenses can be considered valid however their validity can be questioned under certain circumstances. The article compares legal consequences of licensing work under Creative Commons and placing the work on the webpage without any attempt to create a licensing scheme. This comparison resulted in a conclusion that the differences between both alternatives are relatively small. I hold the opinion that the main contribution of Creatve Commons licenses in the Czech legal environment lies in improving the awareness of intellectual property rights among internet users. Better awareness about copyright regulation could then lead internet users to respect the intellectual property rights of other users.

p. 61–74




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