Less Is More? Protecting Databases in the EU after Ryanair



This paper discussed the current status quo of legal protection of databases after the Ryanair case (C-30/14). The first part focuses on the subject matter, scope and limits of legal protection for databases according to the Directive 96/9/EC and the related relevant Court of Justice of the European Union case law. Next, it briefly discusses further possibilities of protection for databases not protected by the copyright and/or sui generis database rights. The second part analyses the recent decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the case Ryanair (C-30/14). The third part then discusses the consequences of this decision as regards to potential monopolisation of synthetic data by contract. The conclusions are summed up in the final fourth part.

Database Protection; Copyright; Sui Generis Database Rights; Exceptions and Limitations; Contract Law; Ryanair Case; C-30/14; Directive 96/9/EC

p. 170–199

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