Person and Personality in Cyber Space: A Legal Analysis of Virtual Identity



The day by day expansion of the Internet in all of human’s life put him or her between two worlds: real and virtual. The lifestyle of individuals has changed drastically in the challenge of these two worlds. Domination of virtual environments in all aspects of human personality, especially on the Identity, is clearly observable. The emergence of a virtual identity in cyberspace; beside the real identity of people is one of the challenges of the virtual environment of the Internet. The rise of some novel challenges about the question of identity in cyberspace may need appearing law on the issue of virtual identity. Freedom of identity, anonymity, irresponsibility, authenticity and identification in cyberspace are some of the legal issues, considered as challenges of virtual identity. Rule of cyberspace and protect the rights of cyber society, citizens (Netizens) are on the shoulder of law which makes constructing a legal framework as an irresistible matter of the future of the virtual society. For this, a correct understanding of the virtual environment and its related legal issues is needed. Virtual identity as a new topic may need a new legal approach and analysis.

Person; Personality; Cyberspace; Virtual Identity; Virtual Identification

p. 1–22
Author biography

Morteza Vesali Naseh

Islamic Azad University , Hamedan Branch (IAUH),Hamedan,Iran

Ph.D. student ,Faculty of Law, University of Qom, Qom, Iran

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