European Online Marketplace – New Measures for Consumer Protection against “Old Conflict of Laws Rules”



The paper aims at discussing the rationale for protecting consumers under the new directive on consumer rights (CRD) and its relation to conflict of law rules under the Regulation on the law applicable to contractual obligations (Rome I).
The author is of the opinion the newly adopted legal framework for consumer protection under the directive on consumer rights seems to be more predictable especially in terms of supporting consumers with more mandatory information before the conclusion of a contract with a professional as well as a single 14 day withdrawal period for all Member States. However, the level of consumer protection in the purchase of digital content is insufficient and from the perspective of conflict of laws rules for consumer contracts under Rome I, a consumer who actively makes a purchase from a professional from another Member State or a third country cannot expect the special protective rules envisaged in the regime under CRD and Rome I to be applied by default; rather, the general rules come into play.

Consumer contracts; choice of law; Rome I regulation on law applicable to contractual obligations; directive 2011/83 on consumer rights

p. 21–41

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