Charging Policy: A Conceptual Framework for EU Guidance To the Member States


This memo intends to identify and link together a number of crucial topics concerning the charging for the re-use of Public Sector Information under the Directive 2003/98/EC on the re-use of public sector information (the PSI Directive) and the draft Proposal for a Directive amending the Directive unveiled December 2011. The purpose of the document is threefold: first, to assist in exercises concerning PSI charging which might be launched in the near future, such as the preparation of a multi-level conference on the issue, aimed at bringing together scholars, stakeholders, policy makers and the general public; second, to provide the conceptual terms of reference for the setting up of research projects, thematic networks or other cooperative research initiatives in the area; and third to prepare the ground for the discussion of possible components of guidance by the Commission to the Member States in specific connection with “charging and calculation of costs” as provided by Recital 18 of the draft Proposal.

p. 401–413




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