E-Governemnt and Administrative Reform in Serbia


E-government is a new concept of administration that has been accepted in many, especially well developed countries. Along with the development of communicationtechnology and the enlargement of state functions and responsibilities of those who work within it, e-government became the condition without which a democratic,transparent, efficient and socially acceptable society cannot be achieved. EU suggests the use of Internet, as an instrument for achieving the standards of good governance and best practices in rendering public services to citizens. Currently, Serbia is on the road of introducing e-government in its public administration. In thiscontext e-government was addressed in the Strategy for the Reform of the State Administration. Also, significant legislation has been adopted, including the Law onthe Organization and Jurisdiction of State Organs against High-Tech Crime(2005), the Law on Electronic Signature (2004), the Law on Free Access to the Information of Public Significance (2004), etc. The paper analyses the state of affairsrelevant to e-government in Serbia, and its impact on administrative reform.

p. 127–136




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