Electronic Evidence in Intellectual Property Disputes under the Council of Europe’s Guidelines



On 30 January 2019 the Council of Europe adopted guidelines on electronic evidence in civil and administrative law accompanied by the Explanatory Memorandum. The authors summarize and analyse this soft law instrument with respect to intellectual property (hereinafter “IP”) disputes. They explain why its creation is important for the proper administration of justice and how it addresses and reflects technological developments, new business models and evolving case-law. Several conclusions have been identified regarding how use of the Guidelines will address current practical problems for courts in IP disputes. Both authors took active part in the preparatory works and believe it is in the interest of justice and effective IP protection that these guidelines are publicly available in the member states and widely disseminated among professionals dealing with electronic evidence.

Council of Europe; Electronic Evidence; Intellectual Property Enforcement; Metadata

p. 303–320
Author biographies

Marek Swierczynski

University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski

Marek Świerczyński is employed as Professor of Law at the Department of Civil Law and Private International Law of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (Poland). He is the author of numerous scientific publications in the field of private international law, civil law, health law and IT law.

Remigijus Jokubauskas

Mykolas Romeris University

Remigijus Jokubauskas is a PhD in Law candidate at Mykolas Romeris university (Lithuania). His principal areas of interests are civil proceedings, corporate insolvency law. He was selected to the Fulbright Foreign Student Program for the 2018-2019 academic year to undertake research in Law at the University of Missouri (Columbia, USA).

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